Model Strikes Poses At An Incredibly High Speed And People Can’t Keep Up

It’s safe to say that modeling isn’t for everyone. Of course, we’re all beautiful, so it has nothing to do with the looks, but it has everything to do with the actual job itself; you have to pose in front of a camera for hours on end, not knowing when the day will be over. You may have to take hundreds of shot before the photographer, or creative director is satisfied with the pictures. It’s tough and takes energy and skill to pose.

If you talk of posing, then I think I have found the perfect person who may qualify for the “Fastest Posing Person” award (of course, if there’s a thing).

Get a load of these fast-changing, super-effective time-saving models who are able to average 2 poses per second! Seriously. That is some rapid-fire posing. Every move and outfit is calculated so the photographer can easily just snap as fast as possible to get the best shots. In the video below, you’ll see a model standing in front of a couch, dressed in a beautiful black dress and ready to start posing for the shutterbugs. She has a smile on her face, and of course, her hair and makeup are all done.

As soon as the photographer gives her the queue, she starts posing, and then switching up her poses, at lightning speed! Ok fine, not exactly at lightning speed but close to it! And she’s not the only model. There are a few of these wildly fast gorgeous creatures who can flaunt their stuff faster than you can blink an eye. Do they even remember what poses they’ve done? What about the one they just did? How do they keep track? How much practice goes into this? It’s hard to say, but also wildly entertaining to watch.

It sure does create a lot of time in the day to get other things done. Talk about being able to make time for making modeling your job and then being able to have a home or social life. These women basically create more time! There’s no way I’d be able to do that! Could you?

Click on the link below and check out this model strike poses quicker than you can blink!

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