Sweet Puppy Knocks On Door And Rings Doorbell When He Wants To Come Back Inside

Julissa Helmuth

As much as we love our canines, it can be exhausting to have to get up in the middle of the night or at the crack of dawn to let them out to go to the bathroom. (Sorry, pups.) It’s not that it’s a difficult or annoying task, it’s just frustrating to cut bedtime short just to waddle over with half-shut eyes to open the door.

However, if you think that letting your dogs out at inconvenient hours and remembering to bring them back in is annoying, imagine your canine knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell when they want to come in. In fact, on Greg Basel’s home surveillance footage, you’d be surprised that his puppy, Marshall, actually rings the doorbell after mysteriously going outside — no one knows why he went out!

Upon watching the video of the young, golden-furred canine, I can’t help to giggle at the furry face just centimeters away from the security camera. He’s probably thinking in his head, “Can anyone see me? I’m right here! Let me in!” The poor little dude failed to realize that the front door doesn’t automatically open just because he wants to be let back in. And, no matter how much the pup sticks his nose into the camera, it won’t grant him immediate access into the warm home.

Not only does Marshall poke his muzzle into the camera to indicate his presence, but he also knocks on the door! I almost couldn’t believe my ears. Later in the clip, Marshall also rings the doorbell, which again, stuns me. Smart pup! But unfortunately for him, his owners still don’t let him in, as apparent by the sad, confused expression on the dog’s face.

While poor Marshall’s attempts at knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell didn’t earn him automatic entry into the house, the pup does bring a great idea to mind. Perhaps if we train our dogs to do what Marshall can do, we’d remember to let them back in after letting them out to go to the bathroom! As much as we all hate to admit it, just about all of us dog owners have forgotten at one point or another to let our furry friends back in after a brief outing. Oops!

Watch the hilarious doorbell-ringing, door-knocking pup in the video below! Now, that’s definitely a door worth opening, wouldn’t you agree?

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