Polar bears are one of the most dangerous predators on the planet. They are efficient hunters and their diet consists mostly of seals that share their Arctic habitat. They are beautiful and impressive animals, but even those who travel to the ends of the earth to research and photograph them are careful not to get too close.
As an animal at the top of the food chain, they are an integral part of their marine habitat. As of 2008, their number began to shrink and polar bears were declared a threatened species. Climate change and the loss of sea ice are the primary threats to their survival as species.
While the wild polar bear population is an important species and their numbers are a benchmark indicator of the effects of climate change, there is a polar bear in Abbotsford, British Columbia who isn’t affected by the shrinking sea ice. Agee, a 16-year-old female polar bear lives with “Grizzly Man” Mark Dumas and his wife, Dawn.
Agee is an 800 lb polar bear who appears in television commercials; at just a few weeks old, she had performed in the movie “Alaska.” She enjoys wrestling and playing with Mark, and the two also like to share a dip in the pool. Agee has been with Mark and Dawn since she was just six weeks old. Growing from bottle-fed baby to huge adult, the bear has established a one-of-a-kind bond with her caretakers.
“If anyone else tried this they would end up as Agee’s dinner,” Mark says. “The only people in the whole world she likes are me and my wife. I have worked with bears in this way for over 40 years, so I can read Agee’s body language and know how to behave safely around her. But Agee is the boss and it’s her rules that count.”
Watch Agee and Mark enjoy a swim in the video below!