I’ve always admired the drums, perhaps because I have difficulty holding a beat! Sure I can tap my foot and hum along to a song, or snap my fingers and bob my head, but the drummer is the gatekeeper. He who plays the drum secures the rhythm for the rest of the instruments to play along. I consider the drums to be the heartbeat, the lifeline of the song and the music. Without percussion, all you’ve got is a pretty little ditty with no soul.
This reason is why a good drummer is worth his weight in gold. A solid percussionist carries the tune and can breathe life into any old song or stand alone, strong and in charge, just like this subway performer.
This kid, no more than 11 years old, is in the subway on a train platform in New York City, near 59th street. He’s seated on a bucket leaning up against a garbage can, with two buckets in front of him. He’s equipped with a drumstick in each hand as he starts to play. There are a few people around him, but he’s mostly got the station to himself.
Then, off he goes, hitting the bottom of the first bucket with precision and perfect timing. He’s got a seriously loud drumroll that leads into an unfolding beat. He’s even using his left foot to add another layer, creating really good audible dimension. This kid isn’t just banging around on the drums, he’s really playing them and creating music. He picks up speed and introduces another bucket, this one is upright. He alternates between both buckets and it’s just unbelievable to watch.
His skill is advanced; he didn’t just pick this up yesterday. He’s been doing it for a while and knows how to control his speed, volume and hand-eye coordination. Oh, and his playing is committed to memory. There’s no sheet music, no prompts. He’s got all of this in his head.
Eventually, people are listening and gathering around to check him out. Some commuters are recording, while others are giving him money, and yet, the kid doesn’t break concentration. He carries on for minutes, working up a sweat and putting on a show. Just when you think he’s done, he hits another roll and plays even harder when a group of girls stop beside him to take it all in. He’s really, really talented! What a show!
Click below to see this impromptu performance! Drumroll please, his skill is next level!