Owner Catches Husky’s Relaxing Routine On Camera

Siberian Huskies are typically known for their intelligent, friendly, athletic, and energetic personality traits. They’re also people-persons who love to hang out and cuddle with their owners – or really, anyone deemed trustworthy. They make a great best friend to their owners, owners’ friends, family, neighbors. I think you’ve got it by now.

One husky was no different when he decided to hang out with his beloved owner on the couch while they watched television together. Seems like a typical husky quirk, right? However, it was the canine’s reaction that made the situation completely viral-worthy!

In the popular video below, the seemingly sleepy husky is smiling and slowly opening and closing his mouth while listening to the television in the background. While dogs often smile, it is especially pleasuring to see this husky in such a euphoric state.

As the Siberian husky relaxes – and appears close to dozing off – his eyes softly shut and open to indicate that he’s feeling quite comfy. With his best human friend beside him, nothing could make this guy happier! The canine doesn’t even seem phased by the occasional bright flashes of light shining on him from the television. In fact, in some parts of the video, it looks as if he’s watching TV.

Honestly, as I’m watching the dog happily wind down and enjoy every second of it, I start to feel a little sleepy myself! It’s pretty amazing how at times, we automatically start to feel the way we perceive someone else feeling.

Huskies are sure wonderful pets, don’t you agree? If you have a husky of your own, what are a few traits or silly things they do?

You have to watch the video below to fully grasp the full cuteness of the chillin’ husky!

Source: Rumble

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