Baby Girl Plays Mini Piano And Boxer Sings Along

If playing music by yourself was the only way to have fun, then some of the world’s best bands wouldn’t have come together! There’s an art to band practice, and it’s having jam sessions. There’s no rhyme or reason, you just go with the flow until you’ve got rhyme and reason or a song! Having a jam session with your best friends is part of the creative process, not to mention, super fun. Don’t get me wrong. Playing and singing solo is a blast too. I love watering my friend’s plants when she’s away because the acoustics in her apartment are amazing! I actually sound…good!

On the other hand, you don’t need great acoustics as an excuse to sing. This tiny baby girl is seated at her piano, banging along and already having a blast in her surroundings. This little star in the making is a total diva! She doesn’t care where she is or who’s listening.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get better or any sweeter, it does. Way better, in fact!

From the moment she hits a few keys on her mini, green piano, she faces the dog, almost as if to look at him and say, “Ok! Sing!” Pup needs a little more encouragement, so she hits the keys again. The family’s boxer decides he too has a good singing voice and wants to join in on the fun with the baby girl. The pup does the cute little doggy head tilt, and next thing you know, he starts howling to the girl’s piano playing.

Baby loves it! And dad holding the camera just thinks it’s the funniest thing ever, giggling out loud. I mean, wouldn’t your heart melt too as a parent? These two crazies are just letting it rip, fully engrossed in the present. Pup leans his head back, as he lets go of a long and pronounced howl. The two go back and forth, making it up as they go along! It’s a pretty awesome duet and so spontaneous and in the moment. They don’t give a hoot who is watching or if dad is recording. It’s like they are truly dancing – or in this case, singing – like no one is watching, totally at peace with themselves and very pleased with the racket they’re making!

Now all they need is a band name.

Click below to watch the party go down!

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