Flight Attendant’s Witty Safety Announcement Has Passengers Roaring With Laughter

Apart from getting through dreadful security at the airport, perhaps the next worst thing before flying on a plane is having to listen to the boring safety protocol from one of the flight attendants in case there is an emergency during the flight. Frequent flyers are often jaded by these two practices, despite knowing how important they are.

Due to the latter, flight attendants find it difficult to actually get frequent and new passengers to listen to the safety procedures. While plane emergencies are fairly rare, they can happen on any plane at any time.

Fortunately, flight attendant Daniel Sandberg knew exactly how to make sure the passengers on a Frontier Airlines Florida-to-Colorado-Springs flight would be all ears as he went through his usual three-minute-long safety announcement. But, Daniel didn’t talk in a funny voice or quickly speed through the protocol to keep his passengers engaged. Instead, he used plenty of humor to make sure his passengers would never forget what to do in an emergency!

Upon introducing everyone to the bright yellow airline life vests, the humor was already beginning to break loose. “Here at Frontier Airlines, we like to keep up with all the latest fashion trends,” he joked, “In the event this flight becomes a cruise, all of you people get your own itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini, minus the itsy bitsy teeny weeny, and you get no polka dots.”

Going on about the inflatable vest, the man continues, “And, if by chance yours does not inflate, grab your neighbor and hold on for dear life.” Not only are the passengers bursting out laughing, but even the staff members are also cracking up!

But the jokes continue when Daniel starts talking about how to use the oxygen masks on the plane: “Once you’ve stopped screaming, place that mask over your nose and your mouth.” This next part especially has me dying: “Make sure to adjust your own mask before assisting your favorite child, another passenger, or your husband who is definitely screaming louder than you are.”

You may think Daniel is about finished with the protocol, but then laughter roars again: “Smoking of any kind is not allowed on the aircraft unless you’re like me and you’re smoking hot.”

But, then the best part of them all comes: “And for those of you who didn’t give us your full attention, good luck.” Is that not the most relatable line for flights? I mean, do any of us actually listen to the emergency procedures on a plane (unless they’re like this one)?

Fortunately, it seems that passengers on this flight listened well as each is cheering and clapping after Daniel finishes his brief announcement! Whew.

If you want a good laugh, be sure to watch the full video! The safety announcement is like no other you’ve ever heard before, that’s for sure. Hearing airline safety protocol in this way definitely helps capture attention, lighten the mood aboard a long flight, and calm anxious passengers’ jittery nerves.

Make sure your friends’ days are a little brighter by sharing the video on Facebook and Twitter!

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