Tiny Dog Escapes Fenced Yard By Squishing Through Hole

It’s amazing what can happen when you put your mind to something and you believe in yourself. From big things like getting that job you want or making the first move when you meet someone special. It can be as small as trying on a new style of jeans or as impossible as fitting your head and body through a small hole in a gate like this adventurous pup!

When this silly but adorable dog felt left behind, he figured out a way to get on the other side of the gate that left his owner feeling very confused!

This dog from Brisbane, Australia, is usually locked in the backyard to safely play while his owner leaves the house. But after a few times, when the owner returned, he noticed that his crazy pooch managed to get himself on the other side! How did the dog manage to do this!? How could the owner prevent this from happening so he could keep his doggy safe and sound?

There was only one thing to do – pretend to leave, but then hang back and see what happens next. So he did, and he caught it all on camera!

First, the dog jumps high up. You can see his little face in the semi-circle cut out presumably where your hand goes in to unlatch the door from the other side. The pup is bouncing, bouncing, bouncing when all of a sudden, he’s able to grab on and hoist his little body up. He’s suspended in the opening, as he struggles to pull himself through to the other side. With a little grit and effort, within seconds, he’s squished his way through! He’s on the other side, and the mystery is solved!

Click below to watch this mischievous puppy pull a pretty cool trick.

Source: Reshareworthy

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