Pup Bites Into Hose And Turns It Into A Fun Game

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 36.5% of households own a dog. This isn’t an exact number, however. There’s no way to know the actual number, and there is no type of census for pets and companion animals, but the U.S Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook applies a formula for determining the number of pet-owning households.

Regardless of how many people actually own pets, I can be certain that nearly all of those people are happier and have better lives because of it. Scientifically, owning a pet lowers anxiety, heart rate, and b***d pressure, and helps people live longer. Science aside, dogs bring joy into our lives that can not be replaced.


The best thing about my dogs is that no matter what day it is, it is always the best day for them. I may wake up tired from the day (or week, or month) before, but they wake up, happy that the day has finally started so that they can start their busy schedule of walking, eating, walking, eating, and walking again. In between those important appointments, there is also snuggling, napping, playing with toys, and eating cookies. It’s a very busy schedule, but they somehow manage it without ever getting tired or cranky, which is much more than I can say for most of their human counterparts.

In fact, when I think about their day and their lives from my perspective, their world seems small and their day repetitive – they even eat the same thing every day. But, they find comfort in their routine, knowing that I will always be there for them, and knowing that another walk, snack, or playtime is just around the corner.

From dogs, we could certainly learn to appreciate the simple joys in life. Whether it’s the same meal you’ve eaten thousands of times before, a warm bed or a cozy blanket, or the sunshine on your belly as you have a roll in the grass, it all deserves to be savored and enjoyed.

The adorable dog in this video knows that simple can actually be lots of fun. He doesn’t need a fancy vacation to the beach or a big, beautiful pool to get the best out of the warm weather. All he needs is his human best friend and a garden hose. With just a hose and water, he creates a game for himself, and he’s having tons of fun.

Watch this cute pup in the video below!

Source: Rumble

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