Who remembers being nagged by their parents about proper table manners? Me! And then in turn, who now nags their children and grandchildren about being pleasant and courteous when seated for dinner? Me! It all comes back full circle, and as much as we hated being nagged for being good kids at the dinner table (and every other time), we now realize how important it is to teach children.
Being courteous at the table is something that adds to a good dining experience. No one wants to be a part of a group with an ill-mannered child, or even adult, while at a dinner party. So a bit of training and teaching goes a long way.
Of course, manners vary from home-to-home. Not everyone has the same rules or methods of doing things, but the underlying factor is always the same: always be respectful. These teachings start early and if you’re wondering “How early?” then the dad in the video will show you just when to start teaching children how to be courteous when eating.
In the video below, Nova is having breakfast with dad. Although they’re in a relaxed environment, and not around the breakfast table, dad is sure to ensure that Nova knows how to ask for more food when she wants more of that polenta. As he puts a spoonful in her mouth, and the toddler nibbles away, he says “More please!”
Once the baby swallows the food in her mouth, she looks up at dad and says, “More please!” This simply melted our hearts! What a cute way to teach some table manners.
Click on the link below and watch this cutesy father-daughter interaction!