Curious Cows Follow Dog Everywhere He Goes

When you live on a farm, you will most likely witness some unlikely animal friendships. For the most part, animals of different species on a farm will keep to themselves, but there are some rare exceptions to this rule.

For instance, one of my dogs loves our chickens. If I’m not paying attention to the pup when I go into their enclosure to feed, clean, or give them water, he will sneak in behind me. I’ll go about my work, not noticing that he’s hiding, sleeping inside the chicken coop, hoping I’ll leave him there to hang out with “his girls.” I rarely notice until it’s time to go inside and he’s not around — but I know exactly where to look for him. 

Because they’ve spent so much time around him, the chickens aren’t afraid at all. After a certain amount of time, they’ve accepted him as one of their own, even though he drools, weighs 90 pounds, and certainly doesn’t lay eggs. They must know that he’s a great protector; predators are sure to stay away when he’s guarding his feathered friends.

The cows in this video have also befriended a dog. Cows, though they can be a bit skittish, are surprisingly curious, especially when they are with other cows. Being in a herd provides safety in numbers, and these cows are brave enough to investigate the family dog, a 16-year-old labrador named Jake.

They don’t chase him out of their field or even bother the kind labrador. The cows keep just a little bit of distance and follow their “dog leader” as he takes his daily walk around the cow field. They seem fascinated by their canine pal!

Watch Jake and “his” cows in the video below!

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