Prairie Dog And Alsatian Become Best Buds

There are so many videos out there about unlikely animals becoming best pals, yet whenever we see them our reactions don’t change—That’s so cute! I can’t believe they actually get along. Down below we have another video on these “unlikely” animals becoming best friends despite it being something that no one would expect, and yes, it’s as cute as all the other videos and worth watching.

This clip is about one-year-old Prince the prairie dog, and six-year-old Banksy the Alsatian, the actual dog. Some quick information about prairie dogs: Despite the word “dog” in their name, they’re not actually canines. They were given their names when settlers who traveled across America heard their noise, and they sounded like barking dogs. (There are a few clips about Prince making this noise too, which is the cutest thing.)

Now back to the best friends. Prince and Banksy met in April of 2016 in Fort Worth, Texas when Nurse Taylor William and her husband Brad brought back the prairie dog. Ever since then, Banksy and Prince are inseparable. They spend hours playing together every single day despite their different sizes. They’re too adorable!

Prince likes to cuddle with both his owners and Banksy when watching TV. Sometimes, though, Prince is a little too playful and energetic for the calmer Banksy, who as you see is older, but puts up with his energy and occasional bite.

The couple (the humans, not the animals) have another dog, Coco, an 11-year-old Yorkshire Terrier, but he likes his quiet time, so he and Prince stay out of each other’s way.

Taylor says that she doesn’t regret getting Prince to join her little family.

If you’d like to see the clips of the unlikely but adorable pair, watch the video down below!

Source: Rumble

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