So my sister just got a cat. She got a dog not too long ago and then her child insisted that they get a family cat. When she finally gave in, they brought home a beautiful caramel-colored feline. She’s cute and purrs often, but she isn’t the friendliest thing in the world. This fact doesn’t sit well with the family dog.
Cats and dogs have a history of bad b***d. Ok, maybe that sounds way too dramatic but you know what I mean. They don’t get along and tend to want to stay away from one another. The situation at my sister’s house is pretty much the same. The two enjoy eating in different rooms, don’t like to sit next to one another, and the cat gives a look of sheer disgust when the doggo strolls by. It is so funny! Their interactions are pretty much like the pair in the video below, it’s just in their case both the cat and dog want to have nothing to do with one another.
This post is one of those feel-good, heartwarming stories that also give you a good laugh. We always talk about how cats and dogs don’t get along. Dog owners have to be wary of the fact that their pup might not like a kitten as a companion in the house; those who own cats have to think twice before adopting a dog. Although there are some stories in which cats and dogs just don’t get along, a lot of the times, families make it work, and the two animals are friends after all.
This story is also about a cat and dog who live in the same house and are trying their best to work it all out. The dog, one-year-old Craig the Tri-Colour Beagle, and the kitten, four-month-old Findlay, can be seen in the video pretty much ready for bed.
Findlay, contrary to how most cats behave, is being quite affectionate towards Craig. The kitten is kissing and cuddling with the sleepy dog, interrupting his nap time. Although the affection is usually much appreciated, there are times when everyone wants to be left alone; for Craig, his nap time was THAT time.
The pup patiently waits for the cat to stop its shenanigans but when he can’t take it anymore, Craig puts his foot down! The dog puts a stop to the cat’s antics and tries to explain that it is time to nap! Let’s hope that the kitty got the message for next time as well.
Click on the link below and watch Findlay and Craig prepare for nap time!