Bride Gives Show-Stopping Performance Of Heartfelt Song To Groom On Their Wedding Day

One of the key ingredients to any long-lasting partnership is to show vulnerability to your significant other, and to put yourself out there, from the beginning when you make the first move, to the moment you say “I do.” This is exactly what this bride did when she sang her love out loud to her new husband on their wedding day.

In front of close family and friends, the bride sweetly excuses herself for a few moments to set up a few words, or in her case, a song. Initially performed by whimsical singer/songwriter Emily Hearn, the woman chose “Found A Heart,” a pretty little tune that perfectly encapsulates what a happy bride feels on her wedding day.

“Even though I make mistakes, I know I’m ready. I found a heart that was just like mine… It’s a kind of love that can make you fly, and I would do anything to see him smile…”

And does the bride deliver! Armed with a guitar, and her heart on the table, she sings for her husband, looking him in the eye and with a big smile on her face. Authentic, genuine and filled with nothing but love, the bride has the whole room captivated.

Almost in sync with the meaning of the song, the minor technical difficulty near the end of her performance stands as an ode to the potential snags that may happen down the road. However, with a little grace, understanding, and a big hug, nothing can come between them.

Take a look at the bond of true love between this man and woman, as shown through the power of speaking (or singing) your truth.

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