Bearded Dragon Finds Interest In Rubber Ball, And The Internet Is Amused

There are lots of people out there who think that they would not like to keep a lizard as a pet. Perhaps they think that they are ugly, or slimy, or that they won’t follow them around like a dog does. But, this adorable bearded dragon is determined to prove everyone wrong — give him a tiny rubber ball and he will play just like a dog!

You may think that this lizard looks scary or not cuddly at all, but bearded dragons actually make excellent pets. They are surprisingly social and with a little bit of effort, are easy to care for. They will play and entertain you and they are not as expensive or labor intensive as keeping a dog or cat.

According to beardeddragoncare101, there are lots of reasons to get a bearded dragon as a pet:

“Bearded dragons are one of the easiest pet lizards to maintain. They are not too fussy about what they eat because of the wide variety of foods they enjoy. Although bearded dragons do have a minimum amount of housing needs, they are not nearly as complicated to house as turtles or chameleons.

With just a few minutes of upkeep a day, your bearded dragon will stay happy and healthy.

Bearded dragons have the best behavior as a pet of any lizard. Most enjoy daily or weekly interactions with their owners and can be taken out of their housing and allowed to explore your home, or room (under supervision, of course). With the proper leash, bearded dragons can even be taken for walks outdoors. They have a very docile and ‘happy-go-lucky’ attitude that makes them the ideal pet lizard.

Many times bearded dragons will display other behaviors like arm waving, head bobbing, and the billowing beard that many keepers find amusing. Keeping a bearded dragon as a pet can be as entertaining and satisfying as a cat or dog.”

This bearded dragon, with his ball, is determined to be the best pet! Having had a bearded dragon of my own, I can tell you that they make wonderful pets! “Lily” was happy and social, always peeking out of her tank and watching me. When I took her out, she would wander and play a little and then was happy to curl up on my lap, shoulder, or desk while I worked. Each night, I would tuck her into bed with a little fleece blanket and she would go right to sleep.

Watch the adorable bearded dragon in this video!

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