This one here is pretty bang on. And hey, if it helps the work day go a little faster, there’s no harm, right?
Two employees worked in cahoots to pull off the ultimate scare. While one cheeky employee filmed the whole charade go down from his car, the other slipped into a big brown bear outfit and bided his time hanging out by the corner. The two are in position, ready to go as they wait for their colleague to show up.
The camera is on, and you can hear the man behind it already starting to giggle. The unassuming employee is walking behind the portable, very obviously on the job wearing a hard hat, reflective vest, steel toe shoes and a clipboard under his arm. He has absolutely no idea what’s lurking around the corner waiting for him.
The cameraman positions the camera to get the best spot, to capture the moment “the bear attacks.” The “bear” is hanging out when the man turns the corner to lay his eyes on what he thinks is a real live bear!
He’s quick on his heels and starts to run fast. Really fast and very immediately. He shoots off in the other direction while the cameraman is laughing out loud! The bear stands up and tries to lumber like a bear normally would but he trips and rolls. The man too, in the near distance, stumbles over his own two feet trying to escape, falling to the ground face first. The jig is up when the bear stands up, resembling more like a human in a bear suit than the real thing. There are shouts and laughter and overall, it’s a mission accomplished. That being said, these pranksters better watch out for when it comes back at them! What goes around comes around.
Tell us about a funny prank you’ve pulled! We’d love to read your stories in the comments!
Click on the video below to watch this perfectly executed prank go down in history!