Baby Bursts Into Giggles Over Pit Bull

We can all agree that a baby should never be left alone with a dog, regardless of the dog’s breed. Some dogs are the most patient creatures on the planet and will put up with practically anything. On the other hand, some dogs have never shown aggression to any person but can be triggered by the smell, sounds, or actions of a baby or small child.

But, that doesn’t mean that babies and dogs can’t enjoy each other’s company, especially under the safe, watchful eye of a responsible parent. In fact, babies and dogs can be wonderful companions. Some dogs will even look after the well-being of a child or baby, making sure that they are always safe from harm. 

Growing up, there was never a time in my life when I wasn’t around dogs. My parents had a dog when I was born, and our family pets were always my best friends and constant companions. Some of my first memories are of a dog named ‘Fred,’ who my parents picked up as a stray at a gas station. They made an effort to find the dog’s owner, but they could tell by the way that he looked that no one had cared for him in a long time.

His curly, scruffy coat was matted, and he definitely needed a bath. They brought him home, cleaned him up, and he became my best friend. When I was old enough to go to school, he walked me to the bus stop every morning and was waiting there when I returned home. He was scruffy, a little bit smelly, and the best dog a little girl could have wished for.

I was incredibly lucky to have a wonderful experience with my first dog and all of the dogs after him, and it looks like the baby in this video is well on the way to having his/her own best friend. As the big dog licks the tiny baby, the little one can’t help the fit of giggles. There are few things as delightful as a baby’s laugh, and this dog seems to enjoy the laughter, too.

You can hear the parents laughing in the background as they make the video. As I watched this clip, I couldn’t help but laugh and smile, too, at their antics.

Watch the video below to see a big dog make an adorable baby laugh. It’s the happiest thing you’ll see all day, I promise.

Source: Rumble

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