I can be a bit klutzy. My nickname is “Crash” and while I don’t think much of it, it’s just become a part of my personality! I’ll drop things on the regular, just the other day a beautiful key lime pie went flying out of my hands and smashed, facedown on the carpet. It just had to be face down, didn’t it? Have you ever gone to use a public washroom only to juggle your sunglasses and cell phone and either have one of them (or both?!) fall into the toilet bowl? I have!
I also tend to fall over. Maybe because I’m tall, but there have been some serious wipeouts in my lifetime. On sunny sidewalks, and even icy ones. I’ve fallen into a fountain before, too – yes, it is, in fact, possible, thankfully no one was hurt!
I’ve also eaten dirt while dancing away, off in my la-la world, far away from this one. Just like this little mule who is so totally consumed. Her name is Raven, she’s only eight-weeks-old and is dancing and playing around, entertaining herself. She’s just learned how to stand on her legs, and she’s clearly loving it, prancing and frolicking like never before.
The video opens to Raven trotting around in the mud. She’s moving her body and flipping her head and making cute little grunty whimpers. Mom is in the back minding her own business eating but keeps Raven in her peripheral. The funny mule continues to hop, skip and jump around. The words, “you only live once” seem to come to mind! Raven is living her fullest life, taking in the beauty and glory of being able to run around, when — oops! — Raven loses her footing, and crashes on her backside, at the 0:25 mark.
Poor baby! She collides with the ground and slides into the fence – but she isn’t rattled! Oh no, this brave mule gets back on her legs, and carries on! She is a true performer and knows that the first rule is “the show must go on.” She doesn’t waste any time and appears to be unscathed. Mom notices for a second that Raven took a tumble, but seems indifferent. She knows her baby has to learn to pick herself back up. This is a good lesson for the baby mule, and for all of us: When you fall down, get back up, shake it off and just keep doing you.
Click below to watch this baby mule do what she wants!