Newborn Bunny Takes Nap In Owner’s Palm

There’s something about baby animals that is so sweet, innocent, and utterly adorable. Maybe it’s their tightly-shut eyes, their higher-pitched peeps, their tinier and weaker bodies, or maybe it’s all of the above. Sometimes even the animals we deem the least attractive have some of the cutest children.

So, if you have a thing for baby animals, you’ve come to the right place. A newborn bunny featured in one viral video is seriously one of the cutest things on the web right now! But, I must warn you: the video clip you’ll see at the end of this article is a little much to take. It’s cuteness overload to a maximum. 

So, at the beginning of the video, a gorgeous, gray Holland lop rabbit named Nono is seen cleaning her tiny, black baby sleeping in her human’s palm. The palm-sized newborn is perhaps a bit annoyed that Mama Rabbit is waking her up with her strong, quick laps. Regardless, the mother-baby interaction instantly starts to make my heart pump with pure joy. In fact, you almost don’t notice how tiny the bunny is until you see them next to their much-larger mother!

After the bunny’s thorough wash, it’s now time to resume napping. Baby Bunny gets in a cozy, balled-up position on its owner’s palm and adorably twitches before snoozing off.

The sweet baby is so fresh into the world that one can see the tiny rolls of its body that are not yet concealed by thicker, fluffier fur. Yet, it still offers a sleek and shiny coat. I can almost feel how soft the bunny is just by watching the video. Also, I can’t get over the folded-back ears, tiny paws, and the itty-bitty stub of a tail the baby has. It’s little things like these that make me realize how precious the animal kingdom is.

Isn’t it incredible that something so tiny can be a living being, and not to mention, that one day that tiny being will be a larger being? It’s also pretty intriguing just to think about the rapid growth that will happen to a baby in its earliest months, weeks or even days! (Although, there are definitely times when we wish baby animals would stay the same size forever.)

Apart from bunnies, what’s your favorite baby animal? After watching the bunny in the video, I’m having a difficult time answering the latter question myself.

To watch the cuteness in live motion, watch the clip below!

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