6-Year-Old Takes The Stage And Performs Michael Jackson Moves

While Michael Jackson was alive, he racked up an impressive number of awards and became one of the most famous artists of all time, not just for his music, but for his iconic dance moves. He was so famous and so well-known that he earned the nickname “The King of Pop” and no other artist has been worthy of that nickname since. For nearly forty years, MJ was a pop culture figure whose music, dance, and even fashion influences still trend today.

He first appeared on the scene in 1964, alongside his brothers as a member of Jackson 5. Even then, it was easy to see that among a talented group, Michael was the stand-out performer. He possessed a star quality that few people have ever been able to match.

He became a solo artist in the 1980s and quickly became known as one of the most popular artists of the time. His career happened at just the right moment, with the rise of MTV and music videos. Because of his on-stage presence and signature dance moves, he was able to appeal to fans something other than just music.

I can distinctly remember watching his videos on MTV — they were like mini-movies and brought new life to every song. His album “Thriller” became the top-selling album of all time, partly thanks to the video for the title song, which is still one of the most memorable videos of all time. I can distinctly remember dancing along to those zombie moves and the awesome horror movie-themed video.

As a testament to his many talents, Michael is not only a two-time inductee of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but he is also in the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Dance Hall of Fame. We usually think of a ‘triple threat’ as someone who can sing, act, and dance, but Michael Jackson was his own kind of triple threat.

While the kids in this video certainly aren’t old enough to remember Michael Jackson when he was alive, it doesn’t even matter. His spirit lives on in the iconic dance moves from songs and videos like “Beat It,” “Billie Jean,” and “Bad.” These kids have managed to capture the spirit of one of the greatest entertainers of all time.

They may not be perfect in every single move, but they have a passion for music and dance, and it’s clear from their reaction that the audience absolutely loves them. I love their moves, their spirit, and those adorable costumes!

Watch their routine in the video below, you’ll love it!

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