8 Puppies Visit Pool For The First Time And They Are Having The Best Time Ever

I think we can all agree that some of the cutest videos in the world include dogs, but what’s cuter than a big ole’ dog? Puppies! In the video down below, there are eight of these adorable puppies. These English Cream Golden Retrievers swim for the first time at Rummy’s Beach Club, and you get to join along on the fun!

This is one of the cutest videos out there, and the woman recording — their owner, Tiffany Emig — seems to agree as the whole time she’s cheering on the puppies, encouraging them to jump into the shallow pool. Emig comments because it’s important to encourage the pups, and speaking in a higher tone does that for them. 

The first puppy is a daredevil, and she takes the jump first almost right after seeing the pool for the first time despite the other hesitant puppies. Emig makes sure to congratulate her saying, “Good girl!” The pup quickly swims out of the water, and the other little ones finally start stepping in closer, though hesitantly.

Fast forward a little bit—while the camera is on one of the puppies stepping in, Emig captures another that jumped right in!

Right beside that one, another pup dips his paws in the water, and you think he’s also going to jump in, but he pulls back instead. 20 seconds later though, he starts swimming more than the rest!

The video is amusing, too as sometimes the pups get stuck climbing back up the wall of the pool, and it’s funny to watch. Fortunately, there are five other people in and out of the pool helping and cheering these guys on!

If you want to see these adorable puppies swimming for the first time, here’s the video. (Warning: you will smile to the point of your cheeks hurting).

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