Principal’s Funny Video Of Mariah Carey Song For Snow Day Alert Is Impressive

As if a snow day isn’t already fun for kids. Tack on the added element of watching your seemingly serious principal record a funny video on the Internet, and watch snow day soar to a whole new level.

Principal Chad Caddell from Florence, Kentucky, just upped the ante on this one. No stranger to hilarious parodies (the then-drama teacher teamed up with the then-principal to perform a duet of “Bohemian Rhapsody”), Chad decided to keep up the excitement and launch his newest parody – his take on Mariah Carey’s “Hero.”

The lyrics are simple, rhythmic and quite clever, delivering the message in a way that resonates with children and adults. Chad says he wrote his rendition in about ten minutes.

Even though he asks parents to kindly not punch him in the face (presumably for calling a snow day, prompting them to find last-minute arrangements for their otherwise stranded children), the video has been well-received and the feedback positive. Students and parents alike are applauding his creativity, grateful to have a cool principal like him around.

See the video below to catch Chad’s funny lyrics and really good voice – the guy knows how to woo his audience.

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