Principal Provides Comedic Rant About Back To School

School is right around the corner. What does back to school mean to you? For parents, it can either mean freedom or frustration. From a student’s perspective, it means summer break has sadly come to an end. Many teachers are excited to get back to teaching but may be stressed at any final preparations that have yet to be made. In general, there are plenty of mixed emotions involved in the back-to-school process — shopping, haircuts, pictures, activities, and of course, the dreadful parent paperwork.

But, have you ever thought about how school principals feel about school being back in session? Hm, maybe not. However, one principal, Gerry Brooks from Lexington, Kentucky, has a hilarious rant that makes us realize that regardless of who we are, we can definitely relate, too. 

To our surprise, Gerry mentioned in his viral video that his most stressful job at school was dealing with kindergarteners in the cafeteria. But wait, what he says about it is pure gold.

The first thing Gerry mentions is that getting children to stay put in their seats is like trying to “get a bunch of kittens to do something.” But, even when the cafeteria chaos dies down, and the children are all seated, the trouble doesn’t end!

So, what’s the next problem? Lunchables. Good ole Lunchables, or in Gerry’s case, a “lunchroom duty nightmare.” He talks about how fantastic it would be if the kids simply ate the “little circles of bologna,” but that’s not the case.

Next thing you know, he is holding up a deluxe Lunchable and rants about how this is the ultimate disaster. “I do not have time to debate whether a pony would be a good inside pet while I’m trying to open my 47 Lunchables.” I begin to visualize this in my head, and I can’t stop laughing at the poor guy.

While some may perceive the principal’s rant negatively, his sarcastic detail is incredibly amusing. At one point in the video, he even mentions how children will often tell him random things, and he has no clue how to respond. “My grandma’s got six toes on one of her feet. True story.” “Your grandma is so fancy.” I burst out laughing.

I love this man’s sense of humor. Even though I’ve never been a principal myself, I can feel for this man. But in the end, children are a light in our lives. They’re fun, hilarious, and always know how to make our day.

Watch the full rant in the clip below!

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