When you stop to think about it, traveling on an airplane is a pretty amazing thing. It’s especially extraordinary when you consider that the first powered airplane flight by the Wright Brothers happened in 1903! On December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright made four brief flights at Kitty Hawk with the first successful airplane.
In just over 100 years, airplane technology has increased by leaps and bounds. That first aircraft has turned into military aircrafts, fighter jets, and passenger planes. People rarely think twice about getting on to an airplane to travel and it has become an accepted part of our lives. What was once an amazing feat of engineering and ingenuity has become surprisingly commonplace.
Air travel is more accessible than it once was, but even though it is an incredibly fast way to travel, it certainly has its drawbacks. In recent years, planes have become more crowded and air travel has lost any of the glamour it once had. Now, we accept that for those of us traveling in coach or economy class, our flight is likely going to be cramped and uncomfortable; we just want it to be over soon and to get wherever it is that we need to go.
On the best flights, everything goes smoothly and you get to your destination as quickly and as painlessly as possible. But, that’s not always the case. For many reasons including weather and mechanical issues, a plane can be delayed. This is especially inconvenient when the passengers are already sitting on the plane.
This happened on a recent flight and understandably, many of the passengers became frustrated. No one wants to be stuck just sitting on a runway. However, things got just a little bit better when it was discovered that a barbershop quartet happened to be on the flight.
Flight attendant Kari Mann shared the uplifting moment on social media:
“Our flight to New Orleans today was delayed for maintenance AFTER we had boarded (I’m a flight attendant). I started talking to the passengers and realized we had a barbershop quartet in our presence. I asked them to sing and most of the passengers began videotaping! It was such a great moment… The mood changed and our passengers were awesome for the whole 5 hours they were on the plane! One of my favorite moments!!! Thank you to Port City Sound for creating a wonderful memory!!!”
Watch the wonderful moment when Port City Sound sings for the passengers and saves the day. Please like and share to spread the smiles!