Pizza Delivery Guy Plays Customer’s Piano

I’m personally not huge on listening to classical music from a speaker. I have a deep appreciation for the genre (I played the piano for 10 years!) but for some reason, listening to it on the radio or playing it while I’m cooking just doesn’t do it for me. Now, sitting at a recital to hear someone play is a whole other story! Being in the presence of music flowing from an instrument, in present time, has a completely different sound rather than hearing it played from a CD or streamed online. The actual pounding of the keys and energy of the person playing adds to the appeal in a way that doesn’t come through otherwise!

Live music is such a gift. Any instrument played here and now, in front of me, takes on a whole new sound, feeling, and emotion. It’s moving. And when someone is really good at playing, it’s just the best to listen to!

So, imagine the look on Mr. Varchetti’s face when he ordered pizza, but got a serenade too! It was just another night at the Varchetti household when Julie’s husband ordered pizza. Hungry, he ordered a few pies to be delivered. What he didn’t expect was 17-year-old Bryce Dudal to show up. After handing over the pies and receiving cash, Bryce noticed a baby grand piano in the room. Boldly, but politely, Bryce asked if he could take a closer look at the stunning instrument. No one had used it in years until Bryce sat down. The teen stretched out his hands and dove right into Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata.”

This kid’s got talent and lots of passion. Between his delivery job and school, plus applying for college, this self-taught student doesn’t have much time to tinker around anymore. From the moment he started to play, the family was blown away. Even one of their kids stopped playing his video game, stupefied at what he was hearing.

Bryce told the Washington Post that playing the piano has always been something he loves to do. “[Learning to play the piano] was a long process. You have to sit there and think and try to put it on the piano, piece by piece. I couldn’t read music back then. I would sit there and listen for hours and try to figure it out… A lot of people sit down at the piano and play something slow and beautiful. But when I play for someone, I like to go all out.”

Click below to watch Bryce go all out. Keep an eye on how fast his fingers move! It’s really incredible.

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