All work and no play makes anyone feel bored and listless. Finding that balance is the secret to life after all, isn’t it? Being able to work and get things done, and make a contribution to the world, but also being able to creatively express yourself and let your inner child loose is important, too!
This is officer Philip Paz, and even though he takes his job seriously, serving and protecting the city he loves, he managed to squeeze in a little me-time en route to his next location.
Philip is sitting in his cruiser, in uniform, when he hits record. Set to Lionel Ritchie’s oh-so-smooth and jazzy classic hit, “Easy,” Philip gives his viewers a total treat for the ears. Who knew an officer could have so much vocal talent, and deliver a flawless performance while driving? Seriously, he pulls it off fantastically well, to the point where I actually had to double-check, and cross-reference with the original Lionel Ritchie version to see whose is whose. This is, in fact, Philip’s voice, and he does the Lionel classic exceptionally well!
Sitting in the driver’s seat, donning his uniform, black headphones and metallic blue sunglasses, Philip dives into song, delivering a pitch-perfect rendition right from the get-go. He’s comfortable on camera, demonstrating a cool and calm persona that makes this video easy to watch. He never loses steam or even fumbles! This is shot in one go, and if you ask me, I think he’s a natural. It’s almost like he does this every day but just waited to hit the record button!
This is one of his favorite songs, and he does it justice from the moment he starts to the moment he finishes. He’s smooth, soulful, and I think we need to see his next performance on “America’s Got Talent.”
It’s nice to see a different side of a law enforcement officer. We’re so used to seeing them in times of crises or emergencies when in reality, it’s not always go, go, go! With the little downtime they have, it’s refreshing to see this officer use it to pursue his talent and delight an audience!
Click below to watch Philip sing it to the masses! He’s quite remarkable and an absolute joy to watch.
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