When it comes to football, I know about the Super Bowl. I love the ads, the mid-show and all the yummy food that comes with it. That pretty much sums up my experience with American Football. Now, I don’t play, watch or know much about the sport, so much so, you could say I live under a rock. I don’t know how the game works, or how the goals are scored. It’s like I was just born yesterday.
What I do know, however, is that Peyton Manning is kind of a big deal. Like, a really big deal. The former American football quarterback is considered to be one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, having achieved numerous accolades over the course of his career, 18 seasons, in the National Football League. I know that much and I know this puppy is one extremely lucky little ball of fur.
A starving, 2-pound puppy was found when the Manning family went to the Neshoba County Fair, just outside of Philadelphia, Mississippi. A carnival worker had the bedraggled pup, at times, tied up in a garbage bag or tied with a too-tight rope around her neck. The family found her covered with fleas and later found out, after they brought her to the vet, that she was infected with intestinal parasites. This was a devastating enough discovery for the family to act quickly and do something about the dog’s living conditions.
It was Peyton’s daughter who found the down-on-her-luck pup and instantly fell in love with her. The girl begged her superstar dad to take the puppy in. The adoption became official after the pup was brought to the vet to get cleaned up, fleas removed, and fed real food. With just a little love and attention, the pup (now named Sunshine) immediately showed signs of recovery and healing.
Sunshine sure had a rough start but wow did her little furry life ever do a complete 180! To be so down and out, and then be saved by not just any family, but Peyton Manning’s is one for the books. Now, along with Peyton’s wife and two kids, this beautiful family just got a whole lot cuter! This is a serious touchdown for Sunshine (I think I used that term right?).
Click on the video below to watch a quick clip highlighting more about the kindness that saved a small furry life.