Chained Monkey Rescued After 8 Years Makes A New Friend

Don’t we all get by with a little help from our friends? Where would we be without them? From a young age, we’re thrown into the mix by our parents who set us up on playdates with the neighborhood kids. And, then in school, we awkwardly sit beside other awkward kids who we will grow up and go through middle school and high school with. Then comes college. I’d be nowhere without my friends and roommates from that time — someone to do school work, make dinner, or just hang around with! While friends can’t always be there through the ups and downs of life, they sure make things go a little more smoothly.

Pepe the spider monkey grew up in a circus. The only friends he knew were his owners who didn’t treat him like friends should – until one day when everything changed.

Circus life is hard on animals. They are expected to perform day in, day out, usually shackled and punished if they don’t do as they’re told. Pepe was in the circus for eight years, and his collar was wired on with the intention of his owners never taking it off. It was after an undercover investigation that his rescuers discovered that he had been there his entire life, and were able to take him in and set him free.

Except Pepe wasn’t used to being without a chain. He grew up being handled and around humans all the time, so when his collar was removed, he was shell-shocked. Jan Creamer, one of the rescuers, says that in order to counter his severe bouts of loneliness, he needed plenty of physical contact. Pepe also had this tendency to always look deep into his rescuers’ eyes. There was a real sense of trust from his end, and this helped forge a bond with Jan, who later says how special their connection is. Every time she would go into the rescue center, she’d make sure to visit him, especially once he learned to trust and relax more.

But, Jan knew that as much as she could help him, he needed a spider monkey friend. A friend who looked like him, acted like him and could communicate just like him. With a little clever thinking and resourcefulness, she and her team managed to find a lovely female suitor for him! And, about the moment they meet? Well, his facial expression says it all! Pepe’s whole life drastically changed into a life full of promise and love and hope. It’s just too sweet!

Click below to learn more about Pepe’s story and see the moment he lays eyes on Valerie!

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