Woman Trains Dog To Spell Her Own Name

Every dog deserves a good puppyhood, and some just don’t get to have that. Whether they were abandoned, or unloved or just seen as less than what they actually are, some pups don’t get to live out their true potential. We all need a break in life. A chance given to us by someone who believes in us, who can see our potential and our capability. A little love goes a long, long way — this applies to both humans and animals.

Love is all that Penny needed in order for her to shine. Penny’s early beginning didn’t get off to a great start. She was without a loving home and toys, no abundance of food and water. Penny was on the streets when she was found and brought to a shelter. It’s safe to say that she was in a very heartbreaking situation.

She was then adopted and shuffled around from house to house, family to family until her forever mom, Lenora, found her. Lenora took her home, and quickly realized something. In the short amount of time following Penny’s adoption, Lenora noticed that Penny took pretty quickly to commands. She was well behaved, and listened, but also exhibited some uncanny behavior that convinced the woman that she may have adopted an extra special puppy.

Penny’s ability to receive lessons and be trained prompted Lenora to try something different. The amazed owner wanted to put her new adorable puppy to the test, so she went out and bought colourful block letters, the kind young children use to learn their ABCs. She wanted to know if Penny could recognize shapes, so she sat down with the dog and guided her. With a little love, lots of time and training spent between just the two of them, Lenora taught Penny how to spell her own name!

This is an adorable video of the bright puppy selecting the individual letters of her name to spell out Penny. Lenora asks, “Penny. How do you spell your name?” as the dog points her nose in the right direction and chooses the letter P. With Lenora’s words of support, in just less than one minute, this brilliant doggy manages to pick out each letter of her name, in the right order, with zero mistakes! This is one amazing pooch, and all she needed was an opportunity to succeed.

Click below to watch Penny the dog spell out her name!

Source: Goodfullness

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