Man Jumps In To Save Dog Trapped In Swamp With Alligators

From random acts of kindness to full-blown rescues, there’s definitely content out there that can make our hearts throb. Sometimes we think there’s more bad than good in the world, but if we just take a minute to appreciate the good, the faith we have for the world will begin to build back up.

In fact, one recent act by a police officer, Matt Patellis, has many realizing how selfless humans can be when he jumps into a dangerous swamp in Florida to save a drowning boxer!

One day, Officer Patellis went on duty after receiving a call from a worried owner that their boxer, Cody, was deep in the murky, green waters of Hidden Oaks.

Without further thought, the Hillsborough County officer arrived to the scene, took off his uniform, and plopped right into the dirty water with no mind for the threat of alligators and snakes known to house in that very swamp. Chest-deep, his main concern was to help the drowning dog, putting his own safety behind the dogs throughout the rescue.

“I saw a dog that was crying and he just looked pathetic over there, so I just wanted to go get him out,” said the officer.

Fortunately for Deputy Patellis and Cody the boxer, the rescue was a success, and nobody was injured during the process! (Of course, a nice, long shower was in order for the two of them.) However, the rescue wasn’t as simple as it would seem.

“He was just nervous. He started kind of backing away from me a little bit, so I was petting him and saying ‘It’s alright bud, we gotta get you over there.'”

While a bit hesitant at first, Cody gave his rescuer plenty of kisses in exchange for saving his life. It was the least he could do!

The bravery Officer Patellis had during his mission was incredible. While tending to emergencies is part of his job, he technically could have denied the rescue, deeming the swamp too dangerous for his own safety. But instead, he stayed true to his job and did what was right. Knowing that they both safely made it to dry grounds made me heave a huge sigh of relief!

Now, this is the kind of story you want to hear after a long, busy day. I think I’ll sleep quite well tonight — how about you?

Watch Officer Patellis’ rescue below!

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