Huge Ostrich Chases Bicyclists Down The Road And It’s Very Comical

What’s the scariest yet most fun thing you’ve ever done? Lots of people have skydived, bungee-jumped, or cliff-dived, but we’re bringing you a video that no one else can say they’ve ever done: riding a bicycle while being chased by an ostrich.

Three men were in South Africa for the biggest cycling event in the world, the Cape Argus Tour. According to the man who uploaded the video, Oleksiy Mishchenko, he and his two friends decided to go on a pre-race ride to stretch out their legs on the Cape of Good Hope.

The men were all riding down the street, which looked silent and peaceful when all of a sudden a big, tall ostrich came from the right and started chasing Oleksiy‘s friends! Mishchenko is behind the ostrich chasing his friends, too, and he was able to quickly record the whole experience from his bike.

It’s pretty funny to watch the animal chase the bicyclists, and Oleksiy agreed as you can hear him laughing in the background. He said that he thought he was going to fall of his bike from laughter.

The ostrich had no problem keeping up with the bicyclists though they were going at 50 mph! An average ostrich runs 43 mph, but in the beginning, they run much faster than that.

The bird is the world’s largest of it’s kind. Depending on whether they’re female or male, they grow up from anywhere to 5”6 feet to 9”2 feet. They can be terrifying creatures to be chased by. Oleksiy said that he was afraid in the beginning, but that eventually, he was just laughing.

But it’s easy for him to say, right? He wasn’t the one being chased by a 9-foot bird! I think it’s safe to say that it’s something that would scare us all.

By the end of the video, the ostrich runs off of the road and into the dirt, leaving the bicyclists alone.

If you’d like to watch the video, here it is!

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