Steve Harvey Fails To Understand Little Scottish Boy

Have you ever had an awkward moment where you just can’t understand what someone is saying? It can be someone with an accent different from your own or simply another who is trying to convey a message but you’re just not catching on?

In one viral video, ‘Family Feud’ host, Steve Harvey, does a brief interview with 6-year-old Oscar on ‘Little Big Shots.’ But there’s just one thing that makes the interview so funny: Harvey’s difficulty understanding the boy’s Scottish accent!

Toward the beginning of the interview, Steve asks Oscar what his favorite school subject is. “I like the fesh. So good,” replies Oscar. Harvey, trying to make out what school subject Oscar just said, simply stares at the boy. Fashion? Finnish? What school subject could ‘fesh’ be? Then things begin to click together as Oscar starts licking his lips and says, “See, like fesh in the sea.” “Oh, fish! I don’t, I don’t understand how fish got in this conversation,” replies confused Harvey. Apparently, fish is Oscar’s favorite school lunch!

Shortly after, Steve and little Oscar have a debate on the pronunciation of ‘fish.’ “Fish,” says Harvey. “Fesh,” contends the Scottish boy. “Fish!” “Fesh!” “Fish!” “Fesh!” “You don’t teach me!” the host hilariously as the blonde-haired boy crosses his leg and folds his little hands, ever-so-dramatically.

But, here comes the best part: Harvey pulls out a list of Scottish terms and decides to decipher them on camera with the little boy’s help. The first word ‘Boggin’ appears on the screen. Oscar replies, “Seck. That means seck.” Steve glances over at the audience for help. “Not s*x, seck!” says Oscar again, gagging at the former. I completely lose it at this point, as does the audience and Oscar’s mom! “Oh, sick!” Harvey finally realizes.

However, it’s clear that there’s still a language barrier present, as apparent from a viewer. “Boggin isn’t sick boggin means ‘dirty,'” commented Danny Phillips, “I think the wee man thought he said ‘boakin’ which means being sick in Scotland but no denying the wee fella is a star.”

But, my favorite part is when the duo deciphers the word ‘cannae.’ Immediately, Oscar says,  “Ah, can’t do it.” “I can’t do it either,” says Steve. But, the mom steps in and explains that ‘can’t do it’ is actually what the term means.

After the hilarious chat between Harvey and Oscar, the boy shows off his commendable dance moves in his sparkly pants and little, pink vest as the audience claps along to the music. While I’m thoroughly enjoying Oscar’s dancing, watching Steve off to the side, giving the Scottish moves a go for himself, has me bursting in laughter!

Steve and Oscar make a great team if you ask me! And what we learned is that little Oscar not only is a cute and talented little boy, but he also has a great sense of humor that mixes well with the celebrity host’s quick wit.

You’ll get a kick out of the video below. Let us know your thoughts when you finish watching!

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