Pit Bull Shot And Left For Dead Until Man With Missing Arm Takes Her Home

We call a dog a man’s best friend for a reason: they’re loyal, they listen, and they’re always there to greet us when we walk through the front door. In fact, according to the Insurance Information Institute, 60% of U.S. households have a pet dog. That’s an impressive number!

While some families opt for a pet dog to protect their property, others adopt a pup because they want the dog to be like just any other family member. Even though dogs and humans have their clear differences–from different methods of communication to a varied number of legs–many dog owners can gladly say they have a strong connection with their furry friend.

In one touching story, there is a definite connection between a canine and her new owner. Jessica the pit bull was raised as a bait dog, then shot and left for dead. She had to have her leg amputated after being abandoned at a Fort Worth animal shelter. But, Jessica had no clue her life would change for the better because she’d soon be starting a new life with a caring man who would also be missing a limb: his left arm.

Before the adoption, it took Jessica five months of living with foster mom Kristen Flora before she could learn to trust again after struggling with malnourishment and physical abuse.

“Watching her overcome so many obstacles was a joy,” says Kristen. “It’s inspirational to watch a dog with three limbs and a history of sadness love and just be, without question or sadness or anxiety or any of the things we experience as humans.”

While Jessica was given another chance at life, the shelter was not certain that the sweet dog would be adopted considering pit bulls are given a bad rep.

“The chances of a tri-pawed, bait-dog pit bull being adopted was about 1 out of 100,000,” they said. “We were not confident of her ever being adopted.”

However, Jeff Meyer of Mansfield, Texas knew she was the perfect dog for him. “I imagined what this sweet, loving dog must be going through, and knew I could help,” said her soon-to-be owner.

Both missing a left limb, Jeff and Jessica, now renamed Whiskey, understand one another’s differences first-hand.

“As a child, and sometimes even as an adult, I was/am looked at differently by people,” Jeff admits. “Often they will ignore me out of fear of the unknown.”

It is clear that Whiskey and Jeff are the perfect match. Best of all, while Whiskey has gone through trauma, she is now fully loved and cared for by her new owner. However, Whiskey also gives back to her owner. “I know from experience how others will view her and knew that she needed her shot at happiness,” Jeff explains. “Lucky for me, it’s just that. She has brought a ton of happiness into our home.”

Learn more about Jeff and his loving pup by watching the video below.

Source: Dallas News

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