Trash Bag Of Puppies Tossed Out Of Car, Found On Side Of Road And Rescued


In North America, temperatures are far lower than any other time of the year. It’s winter and while some parts are snowy and blizzardy and going through a cold alert, there are other parts of the country that aren’t as extreme but certainly not mild. Either way, being outside, alone and abandoned in winter weather with no food or water is wrong for any animal, especially for brand new puppies.

It’s not every day you’re driving down the road and you catch a glimpse of a pile of what appears to be trash on the side of the road–that’s moving. On the outskirts of Houston, Texas, at Highway 99 and Old Mueschke Road, a passer-by couldn’t believe his eyes when he slowed down his truck to get a closer look.

Found on the side of the road was not garbage, but in fact, seven puppies fighting for their lives. Starving, cold and disoriented, the truck stopped and a good Samaritan came to their rescue. The puppies were scooped up and brought to the Harris County Animal Shelter where investigators are looking for more information regarding the person who dumped them. They will be charged with animal cruelty when they are found.

It was at this very same shelter that a pregnant dog was abandoned, as well. She was left chained to their fence overnight, just a few months ago. Janelle is a lab mix, and upon her discovery, she went into labor. She spent eight hours giving birth to 11 puppies! Her vet, Dr. Michale White, was confident Janelle could do it by herself, but still, he and his wife stayed by the dog’s side to make sure she was supported. “I wanted to be there right when they come out so I can tear the amniotic sack open, to allow the puppy to start breathing,” Dr. White said. “She did everything great. She’s a great mother, taking care of them. Everybody is healthy. She’s healthy.”

The Harris County Animal Shelter does incredible work bringing in animals who need the most care. They have since been finding homes for Janelle and her puppies, but now need help finding loving homes for these new little furballs in desperate need of some tender loving care.

Click the video below to watch the poor babies found in a trash bag and brought to safety.

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