Girl Battling Cancer Gets 3,000 Birthday Cards From Strangers All Over the World

In 2015, Tia Taggart was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer. This year, this special young girl turned 10 and is still battling cancer. She’s clearly a fighter, isn’t she?

She was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, cancer that affects bones and soft tissue. Tia has spent, “the last three years undergoing treatment at both the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and The Christie, and to date has had more than 200 doses of chemotherapy and 50 plus radiotherapy sessions,” according to Manchester Evening News.

This year, the Padiham, Lancashire resident had one wish for her big double-digit birthday. She shared that she loves reading get well soon cards from her friends and family, and for her tenth birthday, she wanted to wake up to as many cards as possible.

Her parents turned to Facebook and shared Tia’s wish in a post. The teachers at her school, St. John The Baptist RC Primary School, also shared their own post.

While those posts received attention, it wasn’t until 48-year-old Damian Harvey shared it, that the request went viral. Damian dresses up, along with other volunteers, as a Storm Trooper and finds it fulfilling when he can make a child at a children’s hospital smile or laugh.

In his Facebook post, he wrote, “All she wants is to get as many cards as possible.” He gave readers an address, asked them to drop off or send the gifts there, and then personally delivered the gifts and card to Tia and her family.

The day of her birthday, Tia woke up to 2,850 letters and presents from strangers and supporters all around the world. By the end of the day, that number had turned to 3,000, and Tia’s birthday became an even more special day.

Tia’s father, Lee, said, “We thought we might get a couple hundred. It’s been absolutely fantastic, and a bit overwhelming.”

Tia said, “Thank you for all my presents and cards, there may be a few thousand, but I will open them all. Thank you for making my birthday so special.”

Her father also shared some words. “I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who sent Tia a card. You have all made her birthday so special. There were many lovely and encouraging words and messages of encouragement. In Tia’s own words, ‘this is my best birthday ever’.”

We’re so glad Tia’s wish was fulfilled, and we root her on!

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