Snow Plower Slams Into Snow-Covered Car, Then He Finds A Woman Inside

A snowplow driver in South Lake Tahoe, California, was clearing the roads of thick and ubiquitous snow when he slammed into a snow-covered vehicle. And when I say snow-covered, I mean completely covered to the point where the entire car wasn’t visible, thus the reasoning behind why the driver crashed into the car in the first place.

The driver, however, wouldn’t have crashed into the car if it weren’t illegally parked. When the man realized that the car was illegally parked, he called the police to get the car towed. The driver didn’t just wait for the police, though. Instead, he started removing the snow from the driver’s side and was astonished to find a woman inside. The man may have just saved her life.

The 48-year-old woman proclaimed that she was stuck in the car for about four to five hours, but the police believe that the unidentified woman was actually living in her car. City spokesman Chris Fiore says, “She wasn’t trying to get out. She wasn’t making any noise.”

The woman seemed careless about having been buried under the snow because right after her car was towed, she declined any medical attention and simply left, but Chris mentions that “being inside of a buried car, or starting a car buried in snow could have deadly consequences.”

The woman got lucky because a snowplow driver just so happened to crash into her. It’s a miracle that she’s even alive because, if you watch the video below, you’ll see how completely covered her car was.

Chris also stresses that it’s, “important to get cars out of the snow removal areas and for everyone to be careful using vehicles during major snow events.” You might be accustomed to heavy snowfall where you’re from, but it doesn’t make the situation any less dangerous.

There’s a problem in South Lake Tahoe in which more and more drivers are parking illegally, a dangerous situation for the snow plower as well, seeing as if a car is covered in snow, just as this woman’s, they won’t be able to see it, and they’ll crash into it.

Keep your car out of the way, drive slowly, and be careful. Follow those instructions no matter how long you’ve lived in a place where it snows more than the sun’s out.

If you’d like to hear about this crazy event, watch the video below.

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