Homeless Dog Becomes A Hollywood Movie Star

They say luck is a combination of preparation and opportunity. That plus being in the right place at the right time and who knows what incredible opportunities exist around the corner! It’s arguable that we make our own luck, based on how we make our decisions, listen to our intuition and adopt a resilient attitude in times of seemingly “bad luck.”

Apparently, this applies to dogs as well, and for this one, in particular, her story is one for the books. Truly an underdog’s tale that went from heartbreaking to Hollywood.

Before hitting the silver screen in “A Dog’s Way Home,” a film about a lost puppy reunited with her owner after getting separated and lost 400 miles away, the star of the movie, whose real-life name is Shelby, had a very different beginning. Shelby was a stray dog. She was found alone and skinny in a landfill in Tennessee living off scraps.

Animal Control Officer TJ Jordi spotted the pup and noticed how big of a personality she had. Even in her downtrodden state, she was able to remain positive. “Shelby’s tail never stopped wagging, she was always happy. She’s always fun to be around. She’s one of those that smile with her heart.”

Shelby was scooped up and brought to the local shelter. It was when owner Debbie Pearl of “Paws for Effect,” a company that trains dogs and other animals for movie roles, saw the shepherd/rottweiler mix, and her curiosity was piqued. She met Shelby and immediately put her through a couple of tests to see if she was the right fit to be onscreen.

Many factors are considered when evaluating if a pup is a suitable candidate to be on film. Good temperament and a drive to learn are two key indicators that a dog is fit to undergo the intense conditioning and training. Shelby exhibited those and more with flying colors. She has everything it takes to be a movie star dog! Debbie wasted no time training the rising star to be able to jump into a couch, speak on cue, turn her head left or right and plenty of other tricks.

And that’s not all for Shelby. As cute and as talented as she is, after wrap up, the pup is taking on the role as a therapy dog for children! Life has gotten to be pretty sweet for this pooch.

Click below to watch more of this underdog story!

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