Dog’s Unusual Behavior Leads To 87-Year-Old’s Rescue In Freezing Cold

In certain parts of North America, it gets cold in the winter months–really cold, like break your pipes, burst your water tank and freeze your pants off cold. It’s these subzero stretches where the temperature plummets that wreaks havoc on everyday living from starting the car to getting to work, and in this case, filling the bird feeder.

While most of us humans would rather just call in sick to work, cozy up with the fire and sip a hot chocolate trying to stay warm, there are some dogs who don’t let the cold get to them! They love to frolic in the snow, relishing the stillness and beauty of the winter months. It was this excitement for the cold outdoors that ultimately saved a life, thanks to one pup who went on a mission!

Midnight is a 4-year-old black Labrador mix. Her owner Tim Curfman always takes her out for walks, but what she really enjoys is a car ride, although she takes any opportunity to make it outside! It was recently when Tim was taking out the garbage that Midnight came outside too–but she was displaying some unusual behavior. Rather than waiting to go for a walk, or showing that she wanted to go for a ride, the pup was acting a little differently.

“She had her ears perked up looking at me,” Tim said. “She doesn’t normally do that. Sometimes you get that feeling something’s up.” That’s when Midnight led him around the side of the house and they immediately saw their elderly neighbor Noreen who had fallen on the ground and couldn’t get up. She was trying to fill the bird feeder but ended up taking a tumble into the snow.

“We figured she was out there at least a half an hour,” he said. “She could not have gotten up because her gloves had gotten wet and she didn’t have enough strength in her fingers to push herself up. Nothing around the corner to get up and get a hold of either.” Tim was able to help the woman to her feet and bring her in to get warm and dry.

It’s such a blessing that Midnight was able to come to Noreen’s rescue and save her life. Who knows what could have happened if the woman had been stuck out there for any longer. Needless to say, Midnight was given a lot of treats and love for her incredible rescue.

Click below to see more about Midnight’s heroic discovery!

Source: CBS News

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