Heartbroken Veteran Meets Twin Sisters Who Returned His Lost Wallet

We tend to carry everything with us, everywhere we go. We have all our credit cards, debit card, identification, health cards and anything else we deem imperative in our wallets at all times. It only makes sense though. You want to have everything with you in case of an emergency while you’re out. It’s also just natural to put all these things in your wallet and store them there.

But, what happens when you lose your wallet/purse? I have come really close to this happening to me and let me tell you that I have had a mini heart attack. Thankfully, in my case, my purse (which had my fully-loaded wallet inside) was sitting right on the table where I had forgotten it at the restaurant. I’m happy to say that veteran Marc Walsh can relate to my experience—the one of finding a lost purse—but his story turned out to be a little bit different.

Marc is a disabled Marine Corp who lives in Detroit. Walking down the street one day, it just so happened that his wallet fell out of his pocket; Marc kept walking on, not noticing that he had left his wallet behind on the ground. At the point that the veteran noticed his wallet was missing, it was too late. He didn’t know where to backtrack to. He told WJBK that he was “really heartbroken…didn’t know what to do.” 

Fast forward to some time later and a pair of twins is walking down the street when they spot a wallet in the snow. 14-year-old twin sisters, Makyla and Makhia Vincent, were going to school when they decided to stop and see who the wallet belonged to. Inside they found Marc’s veterans card. They instantly knew that they had to get this wallet to the owner, no matter what. Believe it or not, but the twins’ grandfather made a heavy impact on their decision to find Marc: “I read the veterans card and I was like, ‘I would hate if that was my granddad and that happened to him,’ so I knew we had to return it,” Makyla mentioned.

The girls then walked over to Marc’s house to give him his wallet back. Unfortunately, the veteran wasn’t home at the time they rang his doorbell. But, this didn’t discourage them and they didn’t give up. Instead, they noticed a security camera, waved the wallet in front of it, and left it on his doorstep for him to pick up when he returned.

He was instantly touched by their honesty; Marc eventually met the girls to thank them. He had cash in his wallet which he gave to Makyla and Makhia for their kindness. The girls were happy to have helped someone and were equally surprised that their simple act of kindness got them so much attention.

Click on the video below to watch the news coverage on this feel-good story.

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