Husband Saves Wife’s Life Years Before He Meets Her

Fate works in mysterious ways. Maybe it’s a cheesy phrase for some people, especially when you read it repeatedly on Instagram posts, but it’s a phrase that remains true nonetheless. You’ve heard of the story where a man turns out to be in the background of a picture his wife took years before they met, but have you heard this story? This one is no short of amazing.

Lin Xiaofen, a woman from Taiwan, was in a near-fatal car crash eleven years ago, years before she met her husband, Lian Zhicheng. She needed emergency treatment right away, ten pints of b***d, and two packets of platelets to stop the bleeding. She was close to losing her life because her b***d clotting mechanism wasn’t functioning well.

Seven years later, Lin moved to Hsinchu to take over her family business and that was when she met Lian, a rice dumpling seller. They dated, and naturally, she told him about the accident. Lian revealed that he was a regular b***d donor, had been since he was twenty, and wondered if, by any chance, his b***d was used to save her life. They decided to find out, just to see if maybe it was true and not just a crazy theory.

Lin got in touch with the medical authorities, calling hospitals and b***d donation centers, but her attempts came up empty. Everyone told her the same thing, that the information of the donor was confidential.

Despite hearing that over and over again, Lin didn’t quit her attempts so easily. She didn’t stop calling, and one day, her persuasion attempts finally broke through. She finally convinced the staff by telling them that she just wanted to know the identity of the person who’d saved her life.

Lim shared, “When they told me it was a Mr. Lian from Hsinchu, I was surprised.” When they said that, Lin read Lian’s identification number, and the staff was shocked. “How did you know that?” they asked her. Crazy!

In China Times, Lian shared that he felt a “telepathic” connection with Lin, and now he finally has an explanation. He urges people to donate b***d not only to save a stranger’s life but because “you might have a chance to save your future wife.”

What a beautiful story! If this doesn’t say “soulmate” I don’t know what does. The couple dated for two years before getting married in March of 2018.

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