Grandma Is Ready For Wheelchair Dancing When The Music Starts

Ok, so maybe exercising isn’t at the top of your to-do list on a lazy Sunday morning. I know for me, the idea of pulling up the blankets over my face and shimmying down below them is way more of an appealing thought than putting on my workout pants. This is the moment my inner voice has a battle. There’s a war between do I stay or do I go? Do I exercise and be healthy? Or, do I bail and choose comfort?

Sometimes my inner athlete wins, other times it doesn’t. But, when it does win, I’m usually pretty happy that I pulled it together to make it to the gym or out for a run. I am almost as happy as the wonderful woman, full of life, in this video.

This elderly woman is amazing and for a few reasons! It’s her energy and her vibe, all rolled into one, that makes her sparkle. She’s sitting in a wheelchair, in the middle of the gym, when her trainer, Elizabeth, comes in. “It’s Kelleen and Elizabeth!” she announces. Her hands are high in the air and the music starts to get good. Kelleen is seated and ready for instruction. She’s already laughing!

Elizabeth’s energy is high too, “March! OK, smile…” The trainer starts to march and Kelleen follows suit, lifting up her kees, and moving side to side with a smile from ear to ear, as she is full out laughing! She’s already cracking up, enjoying her work out, the music, and Elizabeth’s lust for life. Both of them are clearly enjoying each other’s company, picking up on one another’s positive energy. There are NO bad vibes here!

They carry on for a few moments, moving their arms up and down; pointing their legs left and right, and shimmying their shoulders, all while Elizabeth counts Kelleen into the rep and Kelleen laughs hysterically. It’s so contagious! I’m pretty sure she’s getting even more from the work out because she’s cracking up the whole time! Once they complete the routine, never losing speed or smiles, Elizabeth gives Kelleen a congratulatory high five (who is still laughing out loud) making this look like one really fun workout!

Click on the video below to watch Kelleen rock her work out with the help of a really encouraging trainer. You might even feel inspired to do a little work out yourself after watching this!

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