Fire Alarm Goes Off After Grandma Blows Out 90 Candles On Cake


When we say something is “on fire,” it’s generally a euphemism for being wildly successful, popular, a source of attention and power. Generally, to say something is on fire is a good thing because it’s all lit up for the world to see and watch and be in awe of! Now, in this case, at this particular party, the birthday party and the birthday girl were both quite literally and figuratively on fire, in one h**l of a way, to celebrate a 90th birthday!

I must say, this is a pretty fun celebration, one that will surely go down in memory, and with a hysterical twist at the end that everyone will be talking about for years to come. I don’t think I’ve ever had a party that’s ended like this before. Gladys may not be in her twenties, but she and her family sure know how to throw a party so wild, the fire brigade had to show up.

Gladys Birmingham from Ocean City, New Jersey, was in for quite the shock when she celebrated her latest birthday. Alongside her family and friends at the Lions Club event space, the sweet grandma was presented with a big, tall beautiful birthday cake loaded with 90 candles! Now, just for one moment, imagine the space required on the cake to have 90 candles, and then imagine again, the flame (correction: small fire) created by all those candles in such close proximity!

Well, Gladys’ birthday party was so much fun, it was on fire! With the cake set before her, not even this cute and tiny grandma could blow out the candles on her own-there were so many! She did have a little help, however (thank goodness, because I don’t think I could manage on my own!), but not before setting off the building’s fire alarm! Yes, this woman’s cake had so many candles and produced such a blaze that it activated the alarm, sending over the local fire department to investigate and check up on everyone.

Once the firefighters got there, they quickly realized there was no immediate danger, just a bunch of close friends and family celebrating Glady’s incredibly long life on the planet! The kind fellows even stuck around to partake in the fun and snap a few pictures with the birthday girl! What a way to celebrate a milestone birthday! Gladys is on fire and shows no signs of burning out.

Check the news coverage on this hilarious outcome in the video below!

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