Dog Doesn’t Leave Owner’s Side And Rides Ambulance To Hospital

We love our pets because they know us. They can feel us. Like when you come home after a bad day and before you can drop your bags, your pup comes running to you, tail wagging and nose sniffing! Or when you receive good news on the phone and your cat picks up on your vibes, so she head butts your hand purring and wants to play. The fact that they can read our emotions is one of the many reasons pets are so lovable, and this case, able to save a life.

In the city of Daqing, Heilongjiang, China, a Golden Retriever is getting lots of love and attention for saving his owner, after he sensed something was very wrong. The dog jumped into action and saved the day in the most adorable way possible.

A woman and her dog were walking through the city streets when all of a sudden, she fainted and fell to the ground. Her pup, worried and helpless, didn’t know what to do, except stay near her side. The video opens to the arrival of the paramedics and the dog standing nearby appearing relieved that help has arrived.

The ill woman is hoisted onto the stretcher and pushed away, but the pup isn’t leaving her anytime soon. Loyal, on guard and watching out for his owner, the adorable Golden Retriever follows the stretcher, jumping up and down, as if to let the owner know that she’s going to be ok. The nurse who appeared on the scene explains that the dog was circling his owner, and the crew was worried that the pup might lash out and attack them. However, once they got closer to check the fainted woman, it was obvious that the sweet pooch was merely there to keep watch, worried about the condition of his human.

Dr. Shao, one of the doctors who showed up says, “Under normal circumstances, we do not allow pets into ambulances. However, we could tell that the dog really cared for its master and would help her keep conscious, so we decided to make an exception.” Notice how the dog refuses to go elsewhere. The pup goes along for every second of the ride, never leaving his owner’s personal space.

The patient remains unnamed, but once she was clear-headed, she was very happy to be reunited with her pet. “When we saw the patient hug the dog as soon as she woke up we knew we did right by bringing him along,” said Zhang Jihong, the hospital’s head nurse, to South China Morning Post.

Click the video below to watch this incredibly touching footage!

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