Girl Who Is Deaf Teaches Deaf Puppy Sign Language

Having a best friend means a lot of things. Maybe you like the same music, and if you don’t, you put up with it anyways. Perhaps you have the same taste in clothes and both like bike rides, and pizza and went to the same school. Maybe you grew up together; maybe you didn’t. You like talking about the same things, and share similar views on important things like life, love, and family. Some days you want to go out, other days you like to stay in and watch movies.

No matter what kind of friendship you have, there’s one thing that’s for sure – through good times and bad, you’ve got each other’s back. In some way, you’re bonded, and the love is always there!

Walter, a Chihuahua-terrier mix, is a rescue dog from the Pasadena Humane Society in California, USA. He was born deaf but has managed to be a very happy, playful pup. He loves chasing balls and playing fetch and wearing his adorable little blue striped t-shirt. Overall, he’s got a fantastically sunny disposition and such a lust for life! Look at his cute smiley face with little flappy ears and a tail that just doesn’t stop wagging!

Even though Walter is adorable and outgoing, he was the last one in his litter to be adopted. People often overlooked him because of his disability, not wanting to take home a pup like him that might involve extra effort and work.

Like Walter, 10-year old Julia was born deaf, too. Julia’s mom Chrissy says that when she first held Julia, since she couldn’t hear, she would smell her mom’s neck. When Chrissy first picked up Walter, he did the same thing. All it took was one look, and Chrissy knew the pup was meant to be theirs.

Julia loves having Walter around, they’ve become best friends. He likes to wait around for her until she’s done her homework, patiently standing near her until the moment she’s done so they can play in the backyard. But, it gets even better. As a way to communicate, Julia is teaching him sign language for simple words like sit, food, and water – and he’s picking them up! They understand each other so well, proving that there really is someone somewhere out there for everyone.

Click below to watch this heart opening story of a girl and a pup find each other. I cried and you might too.

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