Puppy Whose Paws Were Cut Off In Act Of Cruelty Gets Happy New Life

Every puppy deserves to be safe, and have a happy, healthy life. No pet owner likes to think of the acts of cruelty committed to dogs (or any animals), especially when we have sweet, loving pets of our own. Unfortunately, it does happen, but with open hearts and a will to change, together, we can improve dire circumstances and provide happy endings in forever homes–just like what happened for this pup.

True is a mixed-breed puppy from Ukraine. In a deplorable crime, his two front legs were sawed off by a previous owner. It was when Toronto, Ontario resident, Erin Blaak heard his story through Cause 4 Paws, an organization that helps rescue dogs, she was taken aback and offered to give him a new home in Canada.

Once Erin put in the paperwork to bring True overseas, she knew she had to start working on a plan. Erin set up a GoFundMe page to try to raise $5,000 for the prosthetic limbs that would help True be able to walk on all fours again. She wanted to give him the opportunity to live a real life–the one that was robbed from him. It’s a mission that took off. “As soon as the story hit, the GoFundMe page went crazy. People from all over the country were donating.” So much so, that she quadrupled her goal–she collected $20,000.

True has been outfitted with prosthetics for his two front paws, although the pup still has a lot of recovering ahead of him. “It’s like anyone who doesn’t use their legs for a long time; you lose that muscle memory and you just can’t walk right away,” Erin said. “It takes months and months to gain the strength back.” The brave dog has been working with K9 rehabilitation practitioner Janine Ross in a small pool, with a treadmill, to relearn how to walk and trust his new legs.

In honor of True’s emotional story, Erin wants to recognize the plight of other dogs in similar situations. With Cause 4 Paws, they founded “The True Fund” to help bring dogs with special needs to Canada for care and placement. The True Fund has already brought in a few three-legged dogs, and they are working on bringing in a pup who’s missings its two back legs. “The more I know, the more I want to help,” says Erin.

Click below to see how True’s story is saving others too.

Source: CTV News

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