3-Day-Old “Miracle Baby” Rescued From Stormwater Pipe

There is a new miracle baby in town in Durban, South Africa. The 3-day-old little girl was found in a stormwater pipe and rescued on Monday when passersby said that they heard a baby crying somewhere in the stormwater pipe. They immediately alerted the authorities and the team conducted a 3-hour long rescue mission to get the baby out.

Speaking to the media after the rescue, the team admitted that they had to burrow into the ground and secure the place up to get the baby out safely. However, they were all assured that the baby was alive and breathing because they could hear her all along. At one time during the rescue, Rescue Care spokesperson Garrith Jamieson, reported: “We can hear the baby crying. Durban fire department and the police search and rescue have cleared around the pipe and are trying to reach the child.”

After her rescue, the unnamed baby was transported to the Chief Albert Luthuli Hospital. Dr. Timothy Hardcastle told News24 that “we were called by [the] rescue helicopter service and one private ambulance service saying that they rescued a child that had been trapped in a stormwater pipe for an unknown duration. They asked if we could accept the child and we said no problem.” The moment the little girl arrived at the hospital, the medical professionals started with her treatment. Thankfully, she wasn’t seriously injured.

Dr. Hardcastle fills everyone in on her condition: “She has been awake, responsive and crying. Her glucose and sugar levels are good. She is stable enough for [a] transfer to the base hospital so the social aspect can be sorted. From the medical side, all is sorted. We did what is known as a babygram and found nothing broken and no serious injuries. From our side, we are satisfied and happy.” It is reported that the baby was in the stormwater pipe for at least five hours.

One of the only health-related issues the doctors faced was the girl’s temperature. Dr. Hardcastle adds that “the main problem was that she was very cold. She came in at 35.5°. We warmed her up and washed [off] dust and cleaned her abrasions. Our colleagues from pediatrics came down and brought through basic medications.”

The child is now dubbed as a miracle baby. The officials say that any child that can survive the conditions she was in is a miracle child, and we can’t agree more.

We’re hoping that this miracle child has a speedy recovery and finds her forever home.

Click on the video below to watch the full news coverage.

Source: News24

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