Andrea Bocelli Gives Soulful Performance Of “Ave Maria”

A new singer is born every single day. With the power of social media and the ability to reach people across the globe, a lot of talented people are just one click away from fame. Life can change in moments in this day and age, mainly because all you need to do is upload a video onto Instagram or YouTube and hope that it’ll make it’s way to the right people. This has happened, and people have found themselves singing in recording studios in no time.

The beauty of singing in a recording studio is that it makes your voice sound just perfect. If there’s a need for it, the singer’s voice will be tweaked or autotuned to get the perfect pitch. Although the pressure to perform well is high, you can be assured that changes can be made if you mess up. But, this isn’t the case for live performances.

Live performances are a challenge on their own. You have to be in your best element and make sure that you’re giving the song your all. A stage show isn’t every singer’s cup of tea, but if there is one man that delivers one impeccable show after the other, it has to be Andrea Bocelli.

Andrea is celebrated for his miraculous voice and immense talent. He is perfect in his craft and regardless of how long he’s been in the industry, people flock to go see the man perform live. I don’t think we have to rave about how well he sings — his hit songs and singles have proven themselves over and over again. But, have you seen him take the stage for a live act? If not, you’re missing out.

Andrea delivers as if there is nothing else surrounding him. With his eyes closed, it seems like he goes into a world of his own while bellowing out the words to his soulful tunes. Just in case you need a little reminder of how wonderful of an act Andrea can really put out, the video below is a perfect example.

Appearing as a special guest at the WMOF, Andrea gave a stirring performance of “Ave Maria.” He was accompanied by Celine Byrne and the two created magic on stage. You can see Andrea closing his eyes and getting lost into the world of his song. I wish I was there to watch this one live!

Click on the video below to catch Andrea’s most recent stage appearance.

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