13 Mildly Gross And Head-Scratching Pictures

In this world, there are beautiful sights to see. Cascading waterfalls. Brilliant fireworks. Modern art. A child laughing. The way the sun dances and shimmers on the ocean. And then there are also some sorta gross wish-I-didn’t-see-that things that just can’t be unseen. I’ve always been fascinated with stuff that’s just a teeny bit gnarly — items, situations, and objects are only mildly disgusting, things that score a 3 out of 10 on the disgusting scale.

To be clear, I’m not talking about bodily functions or eating bugs or any leaky, chunky, waxy weird drippy stuff. Nope. What I’m talking about are elements found out of place and context. Phenomena that’s kinda bizarre and only rubs you in the wrong direction a teeny tiny bit. I promise it won’t actually make you toss your cookies – or even want to stop reading what’s next.

Here are 14 things that will delicately turn you off only ever so slightly.

13. Steak Fingers For Steak Lovers
Makes sense to have a beef counterpart to chicken fingers. But the super important question I need to know is what dipping sauce does one dip into with these?!

12. The Not-So-Great Side Of Ketchup
I have a hard time wiping away the condiment crust flaking underneath the caps of the bottles in my refrigerator, so this is just too much. This tiny mountain of neglected, caked up ketchup needs attention, pronto.

11. Died And Gone To Germ Heaven!
Named as one of the Top 5 Germiest Tourist Attractions, the Seattle Gum Wall has been making people cringe for 20 years. Now removed, it was 15 feet high, 50 feet long and several inches thick in some parts.

10. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Noooooope.
This image is totally off-putting (unless you really like ranch dressing). Maybe because I slather everything in maple syrup, and anything else other than golden tree sap in this dispenser is just aggressive.

9. St. Patrick’s Day Gone Wrong
Is this actually Irish or just lots and lots of green food coloring?

8. This Hearty Soup
Nice on a cold winter day — never!

7. Freshly Made, Steaming Hot, And Ready To Order!
I bet these funnel cakes aren’t the most appetizing. Can you tell why?

6. Great Camping Tip
Did you know 9 US gallons or 34 liters is how much liquid a condom can hold? From a survival standpoint, this is very savvy. On any given day, however, I’d like to be as far from this as possible.

5. Ice Cream + Sugar Cone + Caramel Glaze = Everybody’s Favourite Turkey Leg Cake
This confuses and teases my taste buds so badly it hurts me on a level that I just can’t come back from.

4. When Turtles Are Hungry
The words “turtle eating a strawberry” bring to my mind an image of a cute, green little turtle, gingerly sticking out his head from his shell to nibble on a small snack. Not this “Walking Dead,” no mercy, senseless attack on a strawberry. He’s even got remnants of it hanging from his eyelid!

3. Be Careful What You Wish To Eat
“ABRA CAD ABRA! Oh juicy watermelon, please grant us a hacked up canine-looking, slushy watermelon sculpture to enjoy!? We’ll even be happy if it looks more like a fox, or a wolf, or a cartoon or something remotely resembling the above mentioned. Bibbity, boppity, boop!”

2. Un-Special Reddies
In theory, a strawberry cheesecake brownie sounds like an exploding trifecta of deliciousness, and I’m sure it tastes out of this world. But at first glance? This looks like raw, bright pink, mashed up hamburger meat. Or sashimi. Or something I don’t want to be putting anywhere near my face.

1. Set Fire To This Toilet Immediately
Click on the toilet and wait for it.

Can anyone tell me why there are ants in my toilet? from r/mildlydisturbing

Which one of these mildly gross photos was your favorite? I think it’s hard to choose! We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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