Professional Opera Singer Sings For Penguins

When you hear beautiful music, you want to run closer and get a better listen. A great song performed by someone who knows how to sing typically draws people in. That’s what a stage and auditorium are for, after all! And when your performance is well received, you can tell. You’ve brought people together to form a crowd and there’s usually applause and cheering. You can tell you’ve got active listeners just by their body language, and more obviously, they tend to stick around rather than disappear.

Now when everyone runs in the opposite direction, you’ve got a problem. Something isn’t right when the audience gets up and flees!

In this side-splitting video, it’s the latter that happens to opera singer Nick Allen who was hired as a performer on an Antarctic cruise line. Even though he’s got long hours, and he’s contractually signed to spend most of his time entertaining guests, he’s got a little bit of free time to roam! And who wouldn’t take that opportunity to see Antarctica, the coldest continent that is still relatively undiscovered? With such little moisture falling from the sky, this barren land, thick with ice, is classified as a desert. The most secluded, freezing cold desert on Earth, no doubt!

It’s pretty remarkable to have an opportunity like this. And while there isn’t much life on the continent, there are penguins, the only warm-blooded animal to remain on the territory during the plunging drop in temperature during the winter months, which by the way can reach -89.6 degrees Celsius (-129.3 degrees Fahrenheit)!!!

So, while Nick went out for a stroll, he got to hang out with a waddle of penguins. Perched on a rocky hill behind him, Nick stood in front of the camera and started to sing what he sings best: Opera! At the top of his lungs, Nick is belting out a song, when all of a sudden, each and every penguin behind him immediately lift its head. The instant they’re able to process what they’re hearing, they’ve collectively decided they don’t like it, and they pick up and leave on the spot bolting away from Nick’s singing. Tough crowd!

It’s so funny to see how quickly they move, eager to get away from the assault on their ears! I guess these funny creatures just aren’t really into opera!

Click below to watch this hilarious clip. I don’t think they could have moved any faster!

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