I remember high school moving quick! I was always on the run balancing classes with studying, a social life and working part-time. I felt like I was rushing to make class on time and cramming studying in between English and Physics to pass some test or write some paper. I would have my nose in my book walking down the hall, not paying attention to who I would run into. And after school, I’d sometimes stick around to work on group assignments or jump into a friend’s car and go somewhere to hang out!
Yep, there was always something going on. I wouldn’t have time to eat lunch or a snack most of the time, so I’d be left with no choice but to eat while walking quickly down the hall – being late was a no-no when I was in school!
After watching this video, I feel so lucky that I didn’t go through what this girl, Sarah Bazzini from Pascack Hills High School in New Jersey, went through. I would have been the perfect candidate, always eating on the run with a muffin or BLT in hand.
The video explains what happened to Sarah. It was a normal school day for the teen, and she was walking to class like she does every morning, except this one took a turn for the worse. Sarah was casually eating fries, when all of a sudden, one got lodged in her throat. The girl instantly had trouble breathing and started to panic.
While this is going down, Officer Roger Caron, a special law enforcement officer, was on his usual patrol down the hallway and he saw the distressed teen. He says, “I noticed that Sarah didn’t seem right. She was stumbling a little bit, moving very quickly. The closer I got to her, I realized that there was a problem. The color was off on her face. She ran up to me and started giving me the choke signal.”
He then proceeds to give her the Heimlich maneuver, immediately, lifting her feet off the ground with each abdominal thrust to dislodge the fry. He applies firmness with precision and expertise. Officer Caron served 34 years prior with the Woodcliff Police department, so he’s no stranger to acting fast! This was all about being in the right place at the right time and saving a life.
Click below to watch the full story, and the actual scary footage caught on camera!